today we have a special guest blogger from everyday to runway. lauren (pictured below wearing caprice long wear liquid lip color) shares her stila story with us in addition to other fun makeup tips. enjoy!

makeup has always been a part of my life. since a young age i piled on false lashes, bold red lips, and far too much blush for any normal eight year old. i was a competitive dancer and between the constant weekend performances and summer travel schedules, i learned about makeup much sooner than my peers. when i wasn’t dancing, my extremely strict school did not allow makeup. while my classmates would stash candy as contraband, i would sneak in tints and glosses in neutral colors to get that extra hint of pink on my lips. i even tried to use the shortly popular “hair mascara” to give myself faux-highlights! sadly that little streak of blue hidden in my hair landed me in principal’s office.
once i transferred to public school, i went color crazy with my makeup, excited to have the freedom to wear anything other than beige-colored eye shadow.
after my first trip to the massive sephora in san francisco, i discovered stila. the shimmery, bold colored brand had exactly what I was looking for. i picked up palette after palette of blues, greens, purples and of course the neutrals just in case. i stocked up on my favorite clear, click tube
lip glazes to show off my collection at school as well.
as i grew older, i learned to love the simplicity of a little bronzer, a pop of pink on the cheeks and a sandy colored eye to highlight natural beauty. my collection has grown to house an entire drawer dedicated to lip sticks, glosses, stains, tints, with no fewer than six choices in my purse at a time. my daily look is a shimmery beige for the lid (like stila’s
kitten), and a deeper chocolate (like stila’s
java) lined with a dark brown rim around my eye, add a few coats of blackest black
mascara (my favorite) and you have a quick but beautiful look for any ordinary day.
i will never give up my shimmers, colors, and variety. for the occasional bold night, i love a deep purple smoky eye or that neon green for a themed party.
i love having the ability to transform any look from drab to fab with the application of a few products. having a brand like stila with the range for any occasion is what makes me love the brand that much more.
throughout the years of experimentation i learned a lot through trial and error. but there are a few tips and tricks i will always stand by:
- a pop of white in your inner eye corners gives a wide-awake look despite how little you slept.
- for fairer skin tones, using brown rather than black eye make up creates a less harsh look during the day.
- for a night out, nothing is more classic than a smoky eye and a nude lip.
- but a nude lip does not mean a naked lip. add a little liner, or gloss in a shade one lighter than your lip color to enhance your face.
- on that note, a bold lip will never do you wrong on a girl’s night out. choose a hot pink, or even orange, to modernize that red lip look. pair it with a skin tone lid, and an extra coat of mascara to keep your lips the prime focus.
- wear what makes you happy. even if a color isn’t “in” that season, if you want to wear an eggplant-esque color in your crease (great for hazel eyes like mine) wear it regardless of the trends for that year.
hope you liked hearing my story as well as my go-to tricks. stop by everyday to runway, to see more “must have” products that i love! xo